by sitemgr | Oct 20, 2017 | Pests
Nobody wants to encounter creepy crawlies in real life, but it’s a different story at the movies. Since many people are afraid of bugs and other pests, plenty of horror movies use them to generate their scares. Read on for some of the best examples that film has to...
by sitemgr | Oct 18, 2017 | Pests, Rodent Control
Pests come in all shapes and sizes, and while some may be cute and fluffy, that doesn’t mean they won’t cause as much damage as their ickier counterparts. In fact, furry pests don’t only destroy your house and your yard, they can pose a threat to your health, too....
by sitemgr | Oct 11, 2017 | Insect Facts
Bees, wasps, and other common flying insects that sting are active throughout the year, but they cause the most problems for humans in the late summer and fall, when they are in scavenging mode. While your first reactions to these insects might be fear or a desire to...
by sitemgr | Oct 4, 2017 | Insect Facts, Pests
Every home is susceptible to occasional cockroaches, so how do you know if you need to take immediate action? San Diego County is home to four types of cockroaches. Luckily, two of them typically live outdoors — but that means the other two live indoors. So, how do...
by sitemgr | Sep 27, 2017 | Pests
Bed bugs are a real menace. A bed bug infestation can have real physical and psychological impacts on those living in the affected spaces. If you have discovered that your home or property has bed bugs, it is essential to get rid of them as soon as possible to limit...